CYS is in the midst of upgrading our website and some features and contents may not be available.

Our Team

CYS is overseen by a Youth Group Council, a Core Advisory Council and a nominated Board of Governors, who is appointed by a Board of Trustees. The board consists of senior public, private, and people sector figures who work alongside the council to ensure good governance and fiduciary responsibility. On a day-to-day basis, the organisation is run by independent youth volunteers who are occasionally joined by trainees and interns.

Mr. Ben Chua

President &

Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Timothy Lim

Deputy President &

Chief Development Officer

ms. Jamie Yau

Deputy President & Chief Operating Officer

mr. James teo

Vice President &

Head of Operations and Infrastructure 

mr. Tam Kai ze

Vice President &

Chief Financial Officer

mR. Benjamin heng

Head of Legal,  Secretariat, and Compliance

ms. beatrice tan

Vice President &

Head of CYA 

ms. Lam yik ting

Vice President &

Head of CYC 

ms. shisti pai

Vice President &

Head of Partnerships and Advancements

ms. olivia monteiro

Vice President &

Head of Marketing and Communications

mr. liam ayathan

Vice President &

Head of Technology

mr. wang rui da

Vice President &

Head of Internal Audit Unit 

We are undergoing some changes and upgrades, stay tuned to this space.